خدمة تقنية المعلومات

تفاصيل الخدمة

لطلب هذه الخدمة

خدمات ادارة  تقنية المعلومات والبنية التحتية والشبكات

IT Infrastructure Management


Internet connectivity

 Monitor bandwidth consumption and utilization

 Implement Internet Access Policy

 Manage Internet Connection

 Plan for Internet Backup connection

 Choose between different internet solutions that will cover the companies need


 Configure server for reliable performance

 Raid controller configuration for data redundancy and data loss reduction

 Operate and manage privileges for shared folder to facilitate data exchange among users

 Operate and manage Users and groups management and privileges

 Operate and manage exchange server for email usage

operate and manage firewall for Internet connectivity to protect from malicious intrusion

 operate and manage backup folders for every user to be synchronized with server

 operate and manage roaming profiles for users as needed (Enables user to use any laptop to access his files and data with his personal settings)

 operate and manage shared folders with the default business structures

Network maintenance

 conduct Preventive maintenance of all network components

 Ensure updates are properly installed for all users and computers

 Ensure that wireless access points are running smoothly. Securely and at peak performance

Data Backup and Security

 operate, manage and maintain reliable data backup devices

 Ensure user data is properly backed up and synchronized

Other solutions

Equipment maintenance and purchasing

 Purchase and supervise configuration on all IT equipment

 Assess and recommend IT equipment based on need

 Maintain existing IT equipment